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Menstruation; Whats happening to my body?

Contents [ hide ] Introduction Actually, what you are experiencing is a normal physiological process that begins once a girl reaches puberty. The first menstruation in a woman’s life is referred to as menarche , this could happen between the ages of 10 to 15 with most (the average) girls having theirs around age 12. It involves bleeding from the uterus at regular intervals. The end of menstruation is termed menopause , this usually happens between the ages of 45 to 55. Menstruation is therefore defined as the cyclical or monthly flow of blood and shedding of endometrium including mucus, some enzymes and unfertilized ovum. So, what really happens? Well in simple terms, it all begins with changes in hormones in the body. You can think of hormones as messengers that are sent by some organs of your body to tell other cells to do something. In this particular case, an organ called hypothalamus which is found in your brain begins the process. [Fast forward] The ovaries release f...

Component Task: Making an Admission bed


  • Extra requirement to be added for those of simple bed 
  • A trolley with a long mackintosh 
  • Two bath blanket 
  • Bed blocks 
  • Bed cradle back rest or any other bed accessory depending on the patient’s condition.

Component Task

1. Collects, arranges items on trolley and sends to bedside 
2. Arranges items in order of use on a chair or heart table 
3. Places bottom sheet evenly on the bed 
4. Tucks the sheet evenly under the mattress at the top and bottom corners 
5. Places draw mackintosh across bed and covers with draw sheet 
6. Places long mackintosh on the bed 
7. Uses one bath blanket or sheet over and tucks in all around or folds under itself 
8. Places second bath blanket over the bed 
9. Puts in hot water bottles if necessary 
10. Puts on top bed clothes 
11. Places counterpane loosely over the top bed clothes 
12. Tucks in the bed clothes on the other side 
13. Folds the bed clothes on the other side nearest to the door, leaving it open to facilitate quick admittance.


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