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Component Task: Serving a Bedpan to a Helpless Patient


Top shelf

  • A bowl  
  • A jug of water 
  • Soap in a soap dish 
  • A towel 
  • Toilet roll 
  • Disposable gloves 
  • Draw sheet and mackintosh( this is brought along so that in a situation where the draw sheet in place gets soiled it can be replaced)

Bottom shelf

  • A warm bed pan 
  • Receptacle for used toilet roll


1. Provide privacy
2. Bring a covered bedpan to the bed side and explain procedure to the patient
3. Stand at the right side of the bed with assistant on the other side
4. Lift patient with the assistant onto bedpan
5. Lift patient again with assistant to remove the bedpan after use , cover the bed pan 
6. Cleans patient 
7. Arrange bed clothes and leave patient comfortable in bed
8. Allow patient to wash hand with soap and water and dry hands
9. Take bed pan to the sluice room and inspect content before emptying it.
10. Measure urine if any and when necessary and records.
11. Empties bed pan and decontaminates, washes and sterilises it.
12. Washes and dries hand and removes screen 
13. Documents procedure and reports any abnormalities

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