Component Task: Handing and Taking Over The Ward
Welcomes the in-coming staff.
- Gives ward report on patients to in-coming nurse to read.
- Enquire from in-coming nurse if she needs further explanation on issues.
- Hands over sensitive information about patient at the nurse's office e.g. condition of patient.
- Interacts with patients while handing over.
- Checks and confirms information about patients' charts.
- Checks with incoming staff that gadgets on patients are functioning e.g. cardiac monitor, intravenous line, oxygen flow meter etc.
- Checks and hands over controlled drugs and any other relevant resources available.
- Hands over ward annexes for in-coming nurse to ensure they are clean.
- Reports on any defects on equipment and requests made for urgent repairs.
- Reports on departmental instructions and other important information in the ward diary.
Greets staff on duty.
- Asks for oral information on major happenings on the ward from the outgoing nurse.
- Reads written ward report.
- Enquire sensitive information about patients at the nurses office.
- Takes over ward from bed to. bed verifying the state of a" patients; especially very ill patients.
- Establishes rapport with patients during taking over and asks about state of health.
- Conducts inspection of ward with the outgoing staff.
- Ensures resources needed for work are available and adequate and takes over controlled drugs.
- Counter-signs written ward report.
- Notes important issues in the ward diary.
- Congratulates out-going staff.